A feeble attempt at defining everything. Made by me, Ben Valentine, mostly as a way for me to digest what I am learning from my blog, Contemporary Art Truck. The information is ever changing and will never be polished.

Define A Gallery

Each piece of art demands a specific placement.

Like the types of art that Irwin Defines, there are gallery spaces that or more or less willing to change around the art shown. Therefore someone who makes a certain type of art must find a gallery that is compatible.

Dealing with a piece of Banky's graffiti is a different matter than Marlene Dumas' paintings. contractual agreements on proper display will be a requisite. 50" at center, or illegally on public building near tourist site. Both or legitimate requirements for two legitimate art pieces.

I hope that scientists begin collaborating with artists to represent what they are beginning to understand
- ha. amazing job would be to be a business that assists scientists in representation